Facial Trauma
Facial traumatic injuries can involve injuries to the soft tissues of the face and mouth (skin, eyes, cartilage, nerves, blood vessels, lips, gums) or the bones of the face.
Causes of facial trauma are many, however, the common causes include: sporting injuries, falls, workplace injuries, vehicular accidents or assault.
At Sunshine Coast Oral, Facial & Implant Specialists, Dr Trent Lincoln and Dr Andrew Higgins are specialists, who are highly experienced in facial trauma management and understands the physical and emotional toll facial trauma can inflict on patients.
Drs Lincoln and Higgins are highly trained in the management of injuries to the soft and hard tissues of the face and mouth including:
- Facial or Oral lacerations
- Dentoalveolar (teeth and supporting tissues) injuries
- Nasal bone fractures
- Orbit (eye socket) fractures
- Zygoma (cheek bone) fractures
- Maxilla (top jaw) fractures
- Mandible (lower jaw) fractures
Dr Trent Lincoln and Dr Andrew Higgins find the treatment of facial injuries particularly rewarding and certainly this was one of the main reasons Dr Lincoln first entered the field.
Operations to repair oral and facial trauma vary widely depending on the clinical situation, ranging from simple cleaning and suture through to complex open reduction, internal fixation (titanium plates and screws) with bone grafting.
At Sunshine Coast Oral, Facial & Implant Specialists, we are happy to accept referrals for private treatment of patients suffering facial trauma and patients with WorkCover arrangements in place.